If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). The scripture also reads, “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved” (Romans 10:13).
Definition of Lord - One who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler. Thus, by calling Jesus our Lord… it means that He is to have total and complete responsibility over our well-being.
Lucifer, the fallen angel… has seen God in His Glory and recognizes Him as God. However, Lucifer did not want to submit to His Lordship, having selfish ambitions to BE GOD.
If you have only acknowledged "Jesus as God", but not "Jesus as Lord"; what’s the difference between you and Satan?
Sometimes we equate our well-being as comfort. It’s about our ambition, our finances, what house we want to live in, what car we want to drive, how healthy our bodies are, how WE want to be comfortable in this life… It’s all about our comfort level even in how WE want to serve and worship Him *weeps*.
Of course, God WILL bless, because that’s in His nature. But never in the Bible, it mentions that God MUST bless. That’s entirely up to Him - His wisdom, His sovereignty, His grace, HIS DECISION.
We’re delusioned to think that because God loves us, being responsible for our well-being, he will take care of our comfort level. Well, get this - God loved Joseph. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, selling him into slavery and thrown into prison. Who else does God love dearly? Jesus. Whatever happened to Him? He was ridiculed, condemned, slapped, whipped, crucified.
*Double Ooooouuucccchhhh!*
In John 19:30, when Jesus said “It is finished!” try reading it as him saying, “IT IS FINISHEDDDD!!!!!” - His life purpose fulfilled. As mentioned, by calling Jesus as our Lord… it’s about entrusting our total well-being to Him.
Our well being is not our comfort.
Our well-being = our life’s FULFILLMENT.
Do you dare call Jesus, My Lord???
At May 24, 2007 8:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey gal,
i am blessed by reading ur new post...i like it!!!thanks for sharing....
At July 06, 2010 12:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
"we want to live in, what car we want to drive, how healthy our bodies are, how WE want to be comfortable in this life…"
Juan, we ned to get this right that Father INDEED WANTS TO BLESS US with ALL this things.. its already revealed in his book yet we always doubt caue someehrer in our mind we think that being poor is holy ? or we say 'balance' balance'
Abundant life is not after this life but rather is about our daily living, proeperity included our Spirit,soul and body ..every area of our lives - nothing wrong to believe that God WILL BLESS - the problem lies with us wether we CAN received when the blessing comes? Or we refuse to received it (Pride) ? God 'MUST' is not about pride but it comes from knowing who your God is.
Unfortunately the word God 'will' is a weak translation from the Hebrew word or Greek.
In the originals Hebrew it just said ' God HAS GIVEN - which is all past tence (even thou the suppose receptience havent receive anything frm God.
So God wants us to live by Faith BElieving that HE HAS GIVEN US ALL THINGS TO ENJOY. The manifestation comes later. God is please by Faith - not maybe so so
SO start to believe that You have received and start praising God that you have or had.
Nothing wrong with God Must give - God must gived because when you walk according to his will - that is abit bold to say. He will and must to fullfiled hIS wORD - Do we dare to believe ? You are bless so that you be a blessing to others. Finance is part of it. We hav a pratical God here :)
'It is finished' Jesus cried just before he died - not only refering to his acomplishment in his life on earth but rather is about his redeemtion work on the cross that His Body is broken for your Healing and His Blood was shed for your forgiveness ( You HAD BEEN FORGIVEN) and make righteous.
Another words no more condemnatio, no more striving to be 'good' so that God will bless me... God WILL and MUST not because of your obdience BUT because of Jesus obedience..
Thats why in Rom 10:3 it says
whoever Confess (thats faith in action)and Belived in his heart that Jesus is Lord He shall be Saved.
Just Confess and Believed - only 2 criteria - and Saved here means your body,soul and spirit - covers everything. Its call Faith obedience and not work obedience (self-righteousn.
At July 06, 2010 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
"we want to live in, what car we want to drive, how healthy our bodies are, how WE want to be comfortable in this life…"
Juan, we ned to get this right that Father INDEED WANTS TO BLESS US with ALL this things.. its already revealed in his book yet we always doubt caue someehrer in our mind we think that being poor is holy ? or we say 'balance' balance'
Abundant life is not after this life but rather is about our daily living, proeperity included our Spirit,soul and body ..every area of our lives - nothing wrong to believe that God WILL BLESS - the problem lies with us wether we CAN received when the blessing comes? Or we refuse to received it (Pride) ? God 'MUST' is not about pride but it comes from knowing who your God is.
Unfortunately the word God 'will' is a weak translation from the Hebrew word or Greek.
In the originals Hebrew it just said ' God HAS GIVEN - which is all past tence (even thou the suppose receptience havent receive anything frm God.
So God wants us to live by Faith BElieving that HE HAS GIVEN US ALL THINGS TO ENJOY. The manifestation comes later. God is please by Faith - not maybe so so
SO start to believe that You have received and start praising God that you have or had.
Nothing wrong with God Must give - God must gived because when you walk according to his will - that is abit bold to say. He will and must to fullfiled hIS wORD - Do we dare to believe ? You are bless so that you be a blessing to others. Finance is part of it. We hav a pratical God here :)
'It is finished' Jesus cried just before he died - not only refering to his acomplishment in his life on earth but rather is about his redeemtion work on the cross that His Body is broken for your Healing and His Blood was shed for your forgiveness ( You HAD BEEN FORGIVEN) and make righteous.
Another words no more condemnatio, no more striving to be 'good' so that God will bless me... God WILL and MUST not because of your obdience BUT because of Jesus obedience..
Thats why in Rom 10:3 it says
whoever Confess (thats faith in action)and Belived in his heart that Jesus is Lord He shall be Saved.
Just Confess and Believed - only 2 criteria - and Saved here means your body,soul and spirit - covers everything. Its call Faith obedience and not work obedience (self-righteous.)
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