A couple weeks back while I was in the midst of my interviewing process, I didn’t know I was going to be posted to Titan, Johore for my last assignment. A small plan cooked up in my head for my in-between-job vacation.
- 1st stop: Drive down Malacca to visit Heidi and Lavender spend 2 nights there
- 2nd stop: Park my car in Seremban, at an auntie’s house.
- 3rd stop: Take the train down to Singapore. Spend 2 nights with Yoke Keng and Chew Har. Spend a night with relatives there.
- 4th stop: Spend a night in Seremban before returning to KL.
Now since JSPC is paying for my return from Johore after my assignment, there’s a little change in plan:
- Two weekends ago, had a rushed weekend hiking at Sungai Chiling, Kuala Kubu Baru; then spent a night at Frasers.
- Last weekend, I stayed back in Johore and went snorkeling at Pulau Sibu. Took a cab to Tanjung Leman before taking a speedboat over to the island :D Amazingly green, clear waters…
- This weekend, I will:
- Take a bus from Johore to Singapore on Friday. That’s THIS evening after work, TODAY!!!
- Spend two nights at Yoke Keng’s. She’s got the weekend all nailed; midnight shopping tonight (It’s Singapore’s mid year sales nowwwww!); birthday party and a all-girl’s night out tomorrow; zoo on Sunday…
- Go visit my relatives at Compassvale Walk on Monday and spend a night there. Should be nice to able to see Eddie’s (my cousin) new baby girl.
- Return to Wilby Residences, Bukit Timah for the last night in Singapore.
- Take a bus to Johore’s Senai Airport and return to KL.
I promise lots of pictures when I return :) Now… leave me be in my deliriously happy state…
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