Fresh Air up in Genting Highlands
Me: Eh? How come the fog’s getting thicker as we descend?
Christine: Whar…
Jess: Don’t wind down the windows! That’s not fog! It’s HAZE!
The stay at Awana includes complimentary passes to cable car rides… It’s like we were in Heaven for 3 days… cool, misty, fresh…
And then, I came home to this… *cough* *wheeze* *uek*
Makes me wanna jump onto a car back to Genting. At least we get good food…
Heck- I’d play more Scrabble and Taboo just to escape from bad air :P
Maybe we’ll just go for continuous round trips on the cable car?
Or, we can have another round of RM10 2-hour karaoke with on-the-house dinner and drink…
Oh, what I would give now to sip hot chocolate out in the chilly weather…
Well, we could try to find weird deco around the hotels… Can you believe those cylinders are actually filled with stuff like dried bihun and ikan bilis? *puzzled*
Ahhh… belles posing for the camera…
Just a couple of pointers to prevent haze-related ilnesses (extracted from an e-mail):
- Close all windows and doors to your bedroom. Boil a kettle (electric) of water in the room and allow the steam to fill the room. Allow 10 - 15 minutes for the fine water vapor (steam) to collect the pollutants / particles in the air and settle down. After this the room should contain healthier air.
- Usage of face and surgical masks are of no use if they are not regularly changed as they can act as a base for bacteria to grow and result in other infections. Only very close fitting masks that do not allow air to enter through the sides of the mask are effective.
- Limit all outdoor activity as far as possible e.g avoid outdoor sport or physical activities.
- Always wash / bathe as soon as you return from outdoors. This will minimize eye / skin irritation. For minor eye irritation try using over the counter eye drops e.g Eye Mo.
- Use your car air-conditioner when traveling in the car.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Smokers are advised to quit smoking.
- Those who suffer from diseases such as flu, bronchitis, asthma, conjunctivitis, heart diseases or chronic lung diseases should seek immediate treatment at the clinic or hospital if their condition worsens.
We got back into town around 11 in the morning and I thought, 'Ahh... there's time to go to gym this afternoon.' Figured that since the gym was air-conditioned, it was safe to do some cardio exercises. Boy, was I wrong. In just 15 minutes, I was already gasping for air *puff puff*....sigh, I thought I could work some calories off those Mr Potatoes that I had for the past few days :P
Lord, please give us rain.
At August 11, 2005 3:04 PM,
JoshTong said…
Wah! So many ppl when? Some girliee thing I suppose. Haha, must have a lot of fun there huh?
At August 11, 2005 11:12 PM,
munsta said…
No wonder you've been missing in action....sniff going green with envy liao! :)
At August 12, 2005 8:43 AM,
Juan said…
max - We were up there from Monday till Wednesday. Yea, we had a lot of fun. THe only regret I have is not going to the theme park - they've got some pretty scary rides >:)
munsta - No need to be green, red or yellow *giggle*. Cause I'm now breathing in the same debris as you *sob sob* Throat very dry-la. Need to take in more H20, fresh vegetables and fruits :P
At August 12, 2005 10:20 AM,
WH? said…
Come to melb! :P
it's freezing here btw.
At August 12, 2005 10:33 AM,
Juan said…
Kenneth, whar... training in Australia still take the time to visit my blog ar? Hey, buy me some yumyum chocolates, k? Remember to go to Sharkfins restaurant and have some dim sum. Dun forget trying their calamaris *slurp!* sniff sniff... I wanna go back to Melbourne dee...
At August 12, 2005 1:43 PM,
WH? said…
actually I am more like on-job training here. So I am still online :P and of course have to visit your blog la. A weekly, if not daily, ritual :D
Come come to Melb. I got a suite all to myself. You can bunk with me :P Just need to buy your air ticket only. Meals are covered too... errr as long as you admit you are my 'wife' when Shell asks.
btw, I am probably extending my stay for one more week... sigh, I miss my bed.
At August 12, 2005 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
take meeeeeeee
At August 12, 2005 6:08 PM,
Juan said…
Kenneth - Did I just receive a marriage proposal? :-x *giggle* And, one more week is good... if have the time can visit sites like Philip Island.
cc - Leave me a bribe and I might throw in a good word for you :P
cyberanger - Thanks for couteously asking to link me, as not many does so. Am honoured and you can feel free to do so.
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