Greetings from Guangzhou – Day 15
My trip to China will NOT be a trip to China until the posting of today’s blog item – the foods that the people from this part of the world consumes *nyek nyek*. It’s like a stamp of confirmation, confirmation that I’ve indeed been here. This is a normal section of any other Chinese restaurant in Guangzhou – where all the ‘before cooked’ animals are placed. Around these little boxes, are the normal water tanks of various types of fishes.
Let's zoom in to box number ONE. Ta-daa! Terrapins / tortoises / or turtles… I really can’t read Chinese you see (like that isn’t obvious by now).
Box number TWO. *Ahem* Worms… I swear… I did not enlarge the pictures. Each of those worms are like ¾ inch wide and 12 inches long. Yupz… it’s huge. I asked my American colleague David Labuda (who’s been working in China for two years) how it tasted like. And he said, “It doesn’t taste like anything you’ve eaten before *duh-h…kekekek*. Err.. but the closest description, are clams. It’s kind of sproing-y”. Uh-huh… I’ll just take his word and not confirm it :P
Box number THREE. Snakes. Uh-huh.. I know I’ve carried one during Christmas. But eating them? *shivers*
Final box for the day. Sea beetles. When I first saw them I thought, “Oh my GOSH!!!! Are those ROACHES?!?” WWwwaaahhhhh…… *sob sob*
*takes deep breath* Needless to say, I haven’t mustered enough courage to try these erm… “delicacies”. Tonight we tried something special though… eel on ice. KEkekekke… it’s cooked eel, and they serve it in a bowl filled with ice. You’re supposed to eat it with wasabi and soy sauce. Sure, it’s like sushi back home, but it’s kind of different from all the suckling pigs and Peking ducks that I’ve been having daily since Day One I was here. I’d rather stick to my yummy calamaris and beef balls :D
From left: Grace and myself.
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