Juan's World

An inside look into the world of an average girl who lives a not-so-average life after having met face-to face with the great "I am". Living a life of purpose. Leaving a mark. Balancing her life with the things He has called her to do with the responsibilities in life. With just one wish in her heart. That one day, when she meets face to face with her Maker. To have Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have ran the race well!"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Waja… boo… hoo… hoo…

First, it was the front passenger’s door handle that broke off about two month’s back. That has been fixed already. Last 3 weeks, the left back-passenger’s door handle broke off. This morning, the driver side’s power window won’t work anymore. And if I recall correctly, six months ago I’ve changed the exact power window before.

What is it with Proton Waja’s build quality?!?!?



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