Juan's World

An inside look into the world of an average girl who lives a not-so-average life after having met face-to face with the great "I am". Living a life of purpose. Leaving a mark. Balancing her life with the things He has called her to do with the responsibilities in life. With just one wish in her heart. That one day, when she meets face to face with her Maker. To have Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have ran the race well!"

Monday, April 10, 2006

Vroom vroooommmm…

*Insert screeching sound*
*BHAM!* Car from right crashed into mine…
*Uuuuuufff!!!* I crashed into car of my left…
Eh – go cart racing, or bumper car ride ar? :P

8 years ago when I came with my uni mates, this place in Shah Alam didn’t have a proper circuit. The route was molded using red-and-white road cones. I remember getting completely confused whilst driving then, cause the red-and-white caused my vision to blur up :P Now’s it has been done pretty nicely, nice curves … with sufficient straight routes to let the 60cc engines go at max speed.

Breakfast – RM10
Go-cart – RM70 for 20 minutes
Overtaking another go-cart on the track - Priceless


  • At April 12, 2006 2:18 PM, Blogger Juan said…

    Eh? I didn't know you were into go-carting also... Next time I ajak you lor *blink blink*.

  • At April 12, 2006 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    didn't call me also!

  • At April 13, 2006 9:42 AM, Blogger Juan said…

    *pengsan* Next time, check MSN/Yahoo status message. *shakes head* :P First time I went was 8 years ago, yu wait another 8 years then we go again, kay? kekekekek...


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