Breaking the Silence…
For an entire week my company’s unsecured gateway has been down *grrr…*. After being silent for a week, I’m about to go on a blogger’s diarrhea:
1. Should I get Streamyx?
Hrm… let see, another RM77 to add on to my monthly budget. After a full day of facing the computer screen, do I really want to spend after-office hours doing the same? Err… think the cons outweighs the pros. *Sigh…* Please forgive me if updates are slow. Practice a little grace, k? *insert sweet smile*
2. Carrie Underwood wins American Idol
I’m still a little bummed cause I was rooting for Bo Bice. Throughout the entire competition, Bo was having the upper hand until the last round where I think his concentration was a bit off. There’s this “explosive presence” as he takes command of the stage; as if he owned it. Of course, his plus points were a charming personality with a good looking face to boot. But most of all, I fell in love with his VOICE; the songs that left a lasting impression was, I’ll Be, Heaven, For the Love of Money, Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me, I Can’t Get No Satisfaction… err, actually the list goes on.
3. Malaysian Idol has started
I wonder… I wonder if anyone I know went for the auditions this year? I’ve gone to a couple of places down town with a live band and all… and they’re pretty good. They had impressive vocals and attention-grabbing entertaining skills. The Introduction to Malaysian Idol last week showed that many of the finalists had gotten some kind of a record, commercial, or acting deal in the entertainment industry. I thought that the Smart Tag commercial Zamil did with Abang Roslan was really funny. Abang Roslan was on this old Volkswagon and Zamil rode past smirking in a shiny sports car. At the toll booth, the Volkswagon slowly waltzed through as the sports car got stuck at the Cash lane *hahahahahah!!!* Perhaps this year, we might be able to gather more enthusiasm from the public.
4. Social revolution through the Internet
I received a pleasant surprise in my mailbox last Tuesday. Previously, I blogged about a song from Morsekode. The composer of the song actually dropped me a line. How’s THAT for social revolution? *wink!*
5. Update about Video EZ rip-off
Somehow, as the time wears on. I’m not as upset about it anymore *grin*. A friend from the Star submitted my complaint and said that The Star will publish it if I were to reword my letter. They cannot publish complaints when there are actual parties involved, but the article may serve as a warning to others. If I wanted to pursue this I have to go to some “Consumer-something-something Association” to pinpoint the actual culprits. *giggle* I cannot believe I actually forgot what the Association name was. Sigh… proves that I’m blessed with a very bad memory. Guess I might as well just “forget” about the whole thing and practice a little forgiveness *nods*.
6. My car ended up in the workshop for the 4th time in 4 weeks
Perhaps I should write a detailed blog about this entry. I cannot believe that so many things are happening simultaneously. The latest would be the financial rut that I’m in. If the Almighty is trying to teach me something, I hope that at the same time he tunes my wisdom up a notch. Cause I’m clearly not getting it *shakes head*.
OK… I think that’s enough diarrhea for a day. Each point could actually take on a main topic and a life of its own. Ahhh… now I feel much better… *rubs stomach*.
1. Should I get Streamyx?
Hrm… let see, another RM77 to add on to my monthly budget. After a full day of facing the computer screen, do I really want to spend after-office hours doing the same? Err… think the cons outweighs the pros. *Sigh…* Please forgive me if updates are slow. Practice a little grace, k? *insert sweet smile*
2. Carrie Underwood wins American Idol
I’m still a little bummed cause I was rooting for Bo Bice. Throughout the entire competition, Bo was having the upper hand until the last round where I think his concentration was a bit off. There’s this “explosive presence” as he takes command of the stage; as if he owned it. Of course, his plus points were a charming personality with a good looking face to boot. But most of all, I fell in love with his VOICE; the songs that left a lasting impression was, I’ll Be, Heaven, For the Love of Money, Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me, I Can’t Get No Satisfaction… err, actually the list goes on.
3. Malaysian Idol has started
I wonder… I wonder if anyone I know went for the auditions this year? I’ve gone to a couple of places down town with a live band and all… and they’re pretty good. They had impressive vocals and attention-grabbing entertaining skills. The Introduction to Malaysian Idol last week showed that many of the finalists had gotten some kind of a record, commercial, or acting deal in the entertainment industry. I thought that the Smart Tag commercial Zamil did with Abang Roslan was really funny. Abang Roslan was on this old Volkswagon and Zamil rode past smirking in a shiny sports car. At the toll booth, the Volkswagon slowly waltzed through as the sports car got stuck at the Cash lane *hahahahahah!!!* Perhaps this year, we might be able to gather more enthusiasm from the public.
4. Social revolution through the Internet
I received a pleasant surprise in my mailbox last Tuesday. Previously, I blogged about a song from Morsekode. The composer of the song actually dropped me a line. How’s THAT for social revolution? *wink!*
5. Update about Video EZ rip-off
Somehow, as the time wears on. I’m not as upset about it anymore *grin*. A friend from the Star submitted my complaint and said that The Star will publish it if I were to reword my letter. They cannot publish complaints when there are actual parties involved, but the article may serve as a warning to others. If I wanted to pursue this I have to go to some “Consumer-something-something Association” to pinpoint the actual culprits. *giggle* I cannot believe I actually forgot what the Association name was. Sigh… proves that I’m blessed with a very bad memory. Guess I might as well just “forget” about the whole thing and practice a little forgiveness *nods*.
6. My car ended up in the workshop for the 4th time in 4 weeks
Perhaps I should write a detailed blog about this entry. I cannot believe that so many things are happening simultaneously. The latest would be the financial rut that I’m in. If the Almighty is trying to teach me something, I hope that at the same time he tunes my wisdom up a notch. Cause I’m clearly not getting it *shakes head*.
OK… I think that’s enough diarrhea for a day. Each point could actually take on a main topic and a life of its own. Ahhh… now I feel much better… *rubs stomach*.
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