Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
19th May! Finally! The third and final instalment in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, sealing the fate of the Old Republic. Wheeeee!!! I'm like... SO totally unable to concentrate at work just thinking about the movie tonight. I honestly don't know how we pulled it off, but 48 of us are watching it together. Organizing this made me feel like a race horse bookie *grin*. Kudos to our buyer's charming smile and amazing good looks; else the ticketeer at TGV would never allow such a major degree of ticket hogging :P
So, exactly what am I looking forward to tonight?
- No movie love scenes. Who could ever forget the scene in Attack of the Clones where Anakin went, "The sand here is smooth and soft... *voice trails off while he strokes Amidala's back* .... like your skin." *bwekkk!* OR when Amidala strongly refuses the advances of Anakin. Then split second in the next scene, they were rolling around on the grass like some ga-ga lovebirds from a Hindi movie. *rolls eyes*
- Darth Vader reconfigured. We saw his burn scars in Empire Strikes Back and Return of Jedi. I'm looking forward to see his disfigurement process.... muahahahahahahha! *call me a sadist, I don't care*
- The Jedi wipe-out. New Hope tells us that Darth Vader killed the Jedi. AOTC showed us that there were children in the Jedi Temple. Anakin in AOTC killed Tusken women and children. This wipe-out is gonna be gory. *nods in anticipation*
- Young Chewbacca. Was a bit bummed when he didn't appear in AOTC. Hey... I used to have a Chewbacca soft toy when I was 4. My sucking post and sleeping buddy for 2 years until mum threw him away whilst I was taking a bath. Tried to lie to me that little Chewwy ran away. Then she came clean and said, "Too unhygienic!" *grrrrr...*
Lego Star Wars- Revenge of the Bricks: Check it out. Tickled my funny bone and reminded me of my childhood watching Transformers and playing with Legos.
The Jedi knights uses the Force responsibly through inner peace. The Siths, however taps into the power of the Force through extreme emotion. There is a common misconception that Siths accesses the Force by being evil or doing evil deeds. Nope... by letting feelings like anger, fear, hatred, happiness, sadness, jealousy or even love grants Siths access to the power. They are motivated by PASSION. Siths are evil because they are blinded by their passion and do whatever they want simply because they can. I'll leave you with this. The Sith Code:
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.
Same lineage. Same force. Same power. Different approaches. Different heart beats. One to do what is right... the other to fulfill inner wants irregardless of consequences. Whose side are you on? The DARK... or the LIGHT? ZING ZING! *sound of light saber swishing*
At May 19, 2005 7:34 PM,
xaverri said…
nice blog you have here! I think half of PPS has gone StarWars mad judging by the amount of hype blogged.. So envy you for going to the show tonight, alas I have no tickets yet.. Enjoy! =)
At May 20, 2005 9:14 AM,
Juan said…
Jonah - How much is the game? I'll go with the dark - the force is strong within me *insert sound of Darth Vader breathing through mask*
Diana - Thanks for the encouragement. Good show, was amusing when the crowd broke into an applause when the movie started ;)
At May 24, 2005 1:27 PM,
Juan said…
New game! New game!
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