Juan's World

An inside look into the world of an average girl who lives a not-so-average life after having met face-to face with the great "I am". Living a life of purpose. Leaving a mark. Balancing her life with the things He has called her to do with the responsibilities in life. With just one wish in her heart. That one day, when she meets face to face with her Maker. To have Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have ran the race well!"

Friday, June 03, 2005

Accelerated SAP taken to the extreme

Client: We want all modules in presentation slides 1 and 2. All in by August!
Me: Surely you mean only the core modules on Page 1?
Client: No. All!!!
Me: ????!!!???
*imagine Juan with gold-fish eyes and gaping mouth…*

Me: Err… in my previous project experience in RHB, we took a FULL YEAR to fully implement the full suite.
Client: Uh-huh… and we’d like it done in two months.
Me: *blink* *blink*

We held a SAP HR demo to a prospective client back in the office yesterday. No sleep for 2.5 months and it would’ve been do-able to achieve implementation of 4 core module. 8 modules in 2 months? *shakes head in disbelief*


  • At June 06, 2005 9:15 AM, Blogger Juan said…

    All I know is... I'm sure NOT gonna be the one implementing it :P

    My compentency head just got the formal e-mail asking for a quote and he fell off the chair laffing ;)


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