Belilah Barang Buatan Malaysia!
Mechanic: ???!!!???
Juan to self: Err… a bit like, Proton car ITSELF is LOCAL rightttttt…… *sigh!*
OK… OK… the story should start from the very beginning. FIRSTly, on May 6th I had the car serviced. Just three days after that, signal lights stopped functioning. Hence, the SECOND visit back to the mechanic and changed some signal light chip. Then on May 13th (yup it was a Friday), another digit was added to the Malaysian hit-and-run statistics when a motorcycle decided to ram into the side of my car and rearranged the side mirror; the THIRD visit. Lastly, last week on May 26th I hit a parked Aeroback *sooo totally my fault*. Urgh! My FORTH time to the mechanic in less than a month!
Hence, received the statement above. Had to get into an accident to discover a totally different breed of human beings *giggle*
- Badgering. The next day, the lady (and her husband) contacted my mobile for over 5-6 times. One instance I told her that I would reply her call once the meeting was over. She called 5 minutes later. ??!!?? If the intention to pay were non-existent, I would’ve drove off instead of parked and waited.
- Requested for original parts. Well, the parts broken were non-original but she insisted she didn’t want “local” parts *refer to top. giggle*. Anyway, I calmly let her have her way cause deep inside there were pangs of guilt for causing trouble.
- Accused the mechanic. The husband accused the mechanic that he was “saving” my money cause he sided with me. Ei… mechanic was being reasonable ma. If a non-original part was broken, it SHOULD be replaced with a non-original, right?
- Requested for repaint. Err… this I didn’t take sitting down. There were minor scratches that would’ve easily been fixed with some polishing. There were no dents whatsoever.
- Requested to change bumper. After the repaint was not agreeable, her husband got on the line. He insisted that he should get the whole bumper changed and he was only asking for a repaint.
Basically, only the change of parts was agreeable. After suggesting that I would rather make a police report if they wanted to repaint or change the bumper, they became silent and backed-off. There was NO WAY any insurance would ever cover such minor scratches. They were just taking advantage of my initial kindness. After they left, the mechanic said to me, “What kind of man is that? So calculative with girls. How to do BIG things?” *direct translation from Cantonese*
Back to the original topic. What’s wrong with Malaysian-made products anyway? I’M MALAYSIAN MADE!!! *grin*
At June 01, 2005 9:49 PM,
WH? said…
Hmmm, if it was me I would've just went off :P
I think they are really just trying to "extort" you because of your kindness. Sheesh!
At June 03, 2005 9:08 AM,
Juan said…
Kenneth - I don't believe you. You're too sweet to to be irresponsible ;) And yeah... I was kinda bummed that they were so greedy :(
Fuzz - Yo!!! Err.. I hope your new Honda will not experience any trauma in your path of self discovery :P
At June 03, 2005 11:46 AM,
Juan said…
OMG! I feel your pain, brader. Mental picture I get is a huge tow truck flinging your car towards a Honda Stream.
What was the damage like? Was it like a "creakkk....." or a "Whaaaaammm!!!! screeeeech..."
Your first always hurts the most... *sigh*
At June 17, 2005 5:20 PM,
Ju-Lian said…
Juan....i wanna hug you. That guy ah, really big anaconda la. Think can take advantage like that. The mechanic also "tai ng hei hui" ah! (don't respect him)
Take care (of yourself and your car)
At June 17, 2005 6:28 PM,
Juan said…
Uiii... hug la :P
Aihhh... incident is in the past. They have been forgiven *nods*
But I still want that hug. heheheehehhe...
At December 10, 2005 4:56 PM,
Juan J. Noyles said…
Use the force, Juan!
Driving is like chess, think a couple, three moves ahead, and keep the goats behind you! That way the bad drivers can't get to you, and you can watch out for the turkeys you're catching up to!
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