I spent a night in a Police Station
17 June 10:20pm Extreme loud drilling heard right outside my home. Stuck my head out and thought, “Oh no!!! They’re starting to drill AGAIN!” - Previously, there was this road construction on Sunday and Monday night that started about 10+ at night, ended around 6+ in the morning. *Can u believe that?*
17June 11:30pm Have a throbbing headache. Went to the security tower to see what management was doing about the noise. Their response, “Arr… it’s beyond our control cause it’s OUTSIDE the building, but we’ve talked to them with some other residents and they’ve promised to stop the drilling at 12:00am.
17 June 11:45pm Dialed 999 and was directed to the Uptown police station. Their response, “Arr… you need to come here physically to lodge a report.” Aiyoh… so troublesome. I resorted to counting sheep trying to sleep. Anyway, the noise is going to stop at 12, right? Err… RIGHT??!!??
18 June 1:30am Gosh… I cannot believe what I’m doing *shakes head* I suddenly find myself in my car, one something in the morning, driving towards the police station. Arrived, parked the car and a cute policeman said to me (hey, he had a set of dimples, k?), “You need to park down the alley. This parking lot is for the police residents.” I obliged. *smiles*
18 June 2:00am Finished lodging report. Overheard lots of ring rings from other residents complaining about the drilling. Good to know I wasn’t the only cuckoo bothering the police about it *nyek nyek* Walked towards car. Found large police truck blocking my exit. Cute policeman’s response, “Arr… sorry. The truck’s from another station. I have no idea who’s having the keys. Perhaps you can wait awhile?” Suddenly cute policeman wasn’t so cute anymore. *groan*
18 June 3:00am Car still stuck. Checked wallet. Total of RM2 in it. Just enough for a drink. Not enough to catch a cab. Went to a nearby mamak. Watched *gasp* football.
18 June 4:00am I began to wonder if I could lodge a police report AGAINST the police for holding me against my will.
18 June 5:00am Policemen tried to make me feel better by telling me that I could sue EMKAY (the developer) for public peace disturbance. I should get a lawyer. Did I feel better? Noooo…. I just wanna go homeeee… *whine whine*
18 June 5:20am Ooooo… look at that! I see birds flying in the air. No, wait. They’re pigs. Or Santa Claus. Serious sleep deprivation and stress causes hallucination. Sigh… there were no birds, nor pigs, nor Santa. Just a zombie-fied Juan driving home after a rough night. :P
I just wonder, “How many people reading this can actually say they’ve spent a night in a police station like me?” *grin* Strange how everything seems so comical when I write about this. For the entire night… I was feeling like crap and remember salty tears dripping over my cup of iced tea :P
Proof of my little misadventure:
17June 11:30pm Have a throbbing headache. Went to the security tower to see what management was doing about the noise. Their response, “Arr… it’s beyond our control cause it’s OUTSIDE the building, but we’ve talked to them with some other residents and they’ve promised to stop the drilling at 12:00am.
17 June 11:45pm Dialed 999 and was directed to the Uptown police station. Their response, “Arr… you need to come here physically to lodge a report.” Aiyoh… so troublesome. I resorted to counting sheep trying to sleep. Anyway, the noise is going to stop at 12, right? Err… RIGHT??!!??
18 June 1:30am Gosh… I cannot believe what I’m doing *shakes head* I suddenly find myself in my car, one something in the morning, driving towards the police station. Arrived, parked the car and a cute policeman said to me (hey, he had a set of dimples, k?), “You need to park down the alley. This parking lot is for the police residents.” I obliged. *smiles*
18 June 2:00am Finished lodging report. Overheard lots of ring rings from other residents complaining about the drilling. Good to know I wasn’t the only cuckoo bothering the police about it *nyek nyek* Walked towards car. Found large police truck blocking my exit. Cute policeman’s response, “Arr… sorry. The truck’s from another station. I have no idea who’s having the keys. Perhaps you can wait awhile?” Suddenly cute policeman wasn’t so cute anymore. *groan*
18 June 3:00am Car still stuck. Checked wallet. Total of RM2 in it. Just enough for a drink. Not enough to catch a cab. Went to a nearby mamak. Watched *gasp* football.
18 June 4:00am I began to wonder if I could lodge a police report AGAINST the police for holding me against my will.
18 June 5:00am Policemen tried to make me feel better by telling me that I could sue EMKAY (the developer) for public peace disturbance. I should get a lawyer. Did I feel better? Noooo…. I just wanna go homeeee… *whine whine*
18 June 5:20am Ooooo… look at that! I see birds flying in the air. No, wait. They’re pigs. Or Santa Claus. Serious sleep deprivation and stress causes hallucination. Sigh… there were no birds, nor pigs, nor Santa. Just a zombie-fied Juan driving home after a rough night. :P
I just wonder, “How many people reading this can actually say they’ve spent a night in a police station like me?” *grin* Strange how everything seems so comical when I write about this. For the entire night… I was feeling like crap and remember salty tears dripping over my cup of iced tea :P
Proof of my little misadventure:
Lesson learnt: Don’t listen to cute policemen.
But seriously… I learnt two hard lessons that night:
But seriously… I learnt two hard lessons that night:
- Trying situations WILL pass, find a way to laugh about it, and the experience can be a joke that will last a lifetime :)
- Someone whom I had given a lot of myself to, and regarded as a good friend knew that I was stranded. What sort of a person is this friend that could sleep peacefully whilst knowing a girl was alone and needed help? *sigh* I am sure there is more to this lesson learnt.
At June 20, 2005 10:39 AM,
Christine Law said…
aiyoh yoh~~ wah... i tot u would have just sleep at home but still see u at crossroads! canggih! :)
At June 20, 2005 12:16 PM,
WH? said…
Aiyo. Could've ringed me up mar.
1) My house was close by.
2) My phone is on 24 hrs.
3) I don't think I sleep early on a friday night.
So next time you know.
At June 20, 2005 5:10 PM,
Juan said…
Christine - I slept through the morning. But woke up before noon to submit my police report and a complaint letter to EMKAY office. about crossroads, commit liao ma :)
Kenneth - Err.... I hope no 'next time' lorrr. Dun curse me, k? ;) But nevertheless, *hug* thanks.
At June 21, 2005 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Poor thing, yah the night at police station is adventurous. I wouldn't do it if that happened to me. I'd rather drive to my friend's place and 9 9 G.
Or I have my ear block on and sleep through the night.
Or I would have my ear phone on with music blasted.
Or I take my Korean series and watch til I fall 'apart'.
Cheers! It's all past. But in case it happens you may try my solutions.
At June 21, 2005 9:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Vic is meekie. Couldn't allow me to type my name just now. Weird blogger sometimes.
At June 21, 2005 10:13 AM,
Juan said…
Fuzz - When I was at the police station the policeman said that when they received report about the construction, they found that Emkay has the permit to do the construction at night. That's why they couldn't do anything about it.
So, that's why I submitted the police report and a short letter to Emkay asking them to either schedule to a more appropriate time, or at least give us a notice so that we may make other lodging arrangements. Will see how things go from here. Malay Mail will be last resort. So, did you do anything about it? Or you just kinda slept through the whole commotion? :P
Meekie - Thanks for the clarification. Else I would've thought you were my colleague, Victor ;)
Yeah... I could take up your suggestions. But I'm not sure how long the construction is gonna take. If it's for more than a month... then my zzzzzzsss will suffer lor... especially when it's on a work night *sob sob*
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