Weekend at Frasers Hill
We’re 40-year-olds trapped in 25-year-old bodies. How else could we explain the willingness and enjoyment we experienced to spending our time ENTIRELY in the rented bungalow? We arrived, had tea, watched last season of Friends on DVD, played RISK, had dinner, played some more RISK, had supper, and err… played RISK *again* until it was time to crash :D RISK is fun, Fun, FUN!!! I love strategy games. I love lining up my infantries, riders, and cannons in a straight line facing my enemies to provoke them, and if you’ve not figured it out already, yes, I am extremely competitive. I LOVE CONQUERING THE WORLD!!!!! Muahahahahahahahah!!!!!!
Stop eating whatever that’s suspected not fresh. HAZARDOUS. Me and my greedy stomach *groan*. We had steamboat for dinner (which is great when the weather’s so chilly, I must add) and I continued helping myself to the prawns that seemed a bit ‘powdery’. The outcome? Was punished with a serious case of puking and diarrhea. Honestly, I think I'm jinxed. Last year whilst being with the SAME group of friends in Langkawi, I stepped on some bulu babi (sea urchins) when I got off my banana boat ride. Brings back memories *giggle*. Maybe I’ll blog about this sometime later… :) Next time I ever go out with them, I’ll remember to pack a first aid kit *nods furiously*.
Am loved. We were all dead tired from all the traveling. Yet, I had two good friends taking care of me the whole night. They brought me some hot water to drink, sacrificed a blanket to help me fight off my fever, woke up the bungalow’s caretaker to get me some medication, and erm… got me a chair for me to rest right next to the toilet bowl (hey, YOU try to sit on a cold toilet floor in the middle of the night at Frasers Hill) Hrmmm… I think my lil' girlfriend was more worried that I was *Juan glowing from all the TLC*.
Kenneth trusts me. How did I arrive to this statement? Arr… after he stumbled towards the toilet and I screamed, “Arrrrr… I seriously think you shouldn’t go in there”. Stopped in his tracks. He envisions the toilet after-mess. Proceeds to ignore. I said, “Kenneth… trust me”. He took one look at me, and abandons plan *LOL*.
Vacation plan was very timely. Sunday 8'clock, received a phone call requesting me to get back to work. Apparently, cutover activities were completed a day early, so my boss wanted to proceed with subsequent activities. My response? "Arr... sorry.... I'm up a hill playing with tigers!" :P I wished I had something warm to hug... freezing cold hill with a fever to beat. The blankets had no warming effect whatsoever. As kind as my girlfriend was, I couldn't get it past myself to hugging another girl to sleep >:-( Remind me to get a dog *wink*
All in all, I thank God for:
1) Great friends
2) Nice relaxing time (apart from the midnight mishap)
3) Safe from the tiger.
Amen. *smiles*
At June 27, 2005 10:46 PM,
Pink Lady said…
Happy belated birthday
At June 29, 2005 9:15 AM,
Juan said…
Christine, It wasn't my birthday surprise. It was for another friend :) You can wish me again on December 11th...
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