Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho!
Yes, I know that I’ve been lagging with updates. With bonus payments in December and January… ‘tis going to be a busy two months at work for me. Lots of bonus configuration and program bugs to fix since they’re only used once a year. This post is going to be filled with lots of pictures taken throughout the Christmas celebration…
SS2 Christmas Carnival in the park. This year, we invited children (about 140+ of them) from orphanage Rumah Charis, slum area Damansara Dalam and from the SS2 police force. Praise God for good weather. The slight drizzle probably deterred most of the public from joining in the carnival, so the whole event was more controlled :)
The ever-smiling hostesses at the reception point. We had the children chauffeured from their home to the reception point. They were then tagged (so that they can play games for free when we identify them), given some school-going goodies, and we routed about 2-3 kids to a host (for safety purposes – we wouldn’t want any kidnap or road accidents :P)
One of the booths had this sticker pull-off, pour colored-powder thingy, to create colored picture. Had no idea what’s the game called….ehehhehe… but kids from all ages were able to participate in this.SS2 Christmas Carnival in the park. This year, we invited children (about 140+ of them) from orphanage Rumah Charis, slum area Damansara Dalam and from the SS2 police force. Praise God for good weather. The slight drizzle probably deterred most of the public from joining in the carnival, so the whole event was more controlled :)
The ever-smiling hostesses at the reception point. We had the children chauffeured from their home to the reception point. They were then tagged (so that they can play games for free when we identify them), given some school-going goodies, and we routed about 2-3 kids to a host (for safety purposes – we wouldn’t want any kidnap or road accidents :P)
Arts and craft booth – amazing how all the seats were taken up right from the start and the kids were just having a ball creating stuff with colored papers, plasticines, etc.
Ooooo… this was one of the cutest game. These four kids actually VOLUNTEERED themselves to be sponged!!!!! Neh neh neh neh neh!!! To win prizes, participants threw wet sponges at their targets, the more targets they hit per turn. That second kid from the top readily stuck his head out whenever a sponge came anywhere NEAR his head *LOL*. Cute ‘lil fella…
Free haircuts for everyone!!! Tee-hee-hee… I regret not taking picture of this kid who sat really still in his seat; with a dazed and frightened look on his face; afraid that his hair stylist would screw up his haircut.
After a haircut, the little girls had their hair all prettied-up by Caryna and team…
Aunty Rita doing her ‘thing’. Not only the girls’ nails were given a coat of paint, nail-art was included – pretty little prints and flowers.Vroom Vroom… car racing section; only the strong hearted to enter…muahahahha. Actually, this was the only with lots of difficulties and had to close-shop a tad bit early. Batteries died fast with problems with the cars brought :(
Hoop-a-Joy game. Suitable for little kids where they’d throw some rubber bands towards the hoops to win their prizes. Haih… couldn’t get Su Lin and Eddy to smile for the camera…grrr. Oooo.. that’s Josh in the background for the football game. Participants needed to kick the balls into the hoops. For younger children, to target ground cones…
Cupid Cove. Hmmm…Aiya… I should’ve just gotten one of those arrows and shoot some good-looking guy in sight. Aiks… did I just type that out? *blush*
Something for the older kids as well, Playstation 2. Eng was so funny when he said to me, “Juan ar Juan… I’m hosting these two kids that had totally different personalities. One of them very active, all the games also want to try. The other kid just want to play Playstation. How huh? I cannot split myself in two to take care of them…” *whimper whimper*.
Whoa… free medical checkup. Dr Mike was sooooooo busy.
Ahhh… finally some of pictures of myself…ekekkeke. That’s me and Christine having some fun with the clowns. The balloon-makers were all Victor’s colleague; that little red and pink bracelet was made by him *smiles*.
Some shots of my playing with the stuff at the petting zoo *grin*. That’s a furry little ferret; cute huh?
That’s me with Mr Tarantula. They have claws, so when it crawls around, it feels like the little fella is clawing into the skin. Must wash hand after playing with them cause their hair and web can cause skin irritation. When my camera’s flash startled it, I was *pooofed* by its web.
Yeah, I’m smiling in the photo and all… but I DID pucker up a lot of courage touching this monster. Tis certainly a year that I will not shy away from any challenges *chuckle*.
The photo is a bit over-exposed – some glitch with my digicam. The stuff in my hand… are maggots! And for your information, ladies and gentlemen… Dezzie boy DID eat one of those squirmers.
Joy to the world, our Lord has come! Let us receive the King!!!! What’s a Christmas celebration without joyful carolers? Although, hmm… the carolers in this photo captured not very joyful lehhh….ahahahahha.
Next up… some shots from the Christmas Eve dinner with family. Ahh… picture taken is “proof” of Juan able to cook :P
Mum said, “Juan arrr… invite Soon and her kids to join us for dinner tonight…”. So, with an additional adult with 3 extremely hungry kids, there was a quick panic attack as to whether we have enough food or not… eheheheh. Sigh… Daniel and my brother’s family not in the picture :(
Close-up picture of the feast we had. Onion soup, marinara spaghetti, turkey with onion and apple stuffing, gourmet sausages, fresh garden salad with homemade thousand-island sauce, and strawberry chocolate cake.
Had Christmas dinner at Edwin’s place. Early next morning, I received a SMS from Jess. Apparently, everyone had diarrhea during the night *yawn*. Praise God for a strong stomach. I was the only one without any stomach discomfort whatsoever. Nevertheless, we had fun chit-chatting away at Halo Café after dinner that night. From left: Yew Leong, Jess, *me*, Becky, and Kevin.
Was supposed to have some photos taken at Poppy Garden during a Christmas get-together with colleagues and ex-colleagues, which reminds me… have to get them soon *grin*. Mmmmhhh… was a tiring Christmas. Lots of partying, eating, and err… cooking *LOL*. Should be enough of pictures to last awhile before my next post… my overdue New Year update….
At January 08, 2006 1:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
waah.. nice.
Looks happening also. How come didn't tell us bout it one???
At January 09, 2006 9:28 AM,
Juan said…
Yeah. Was really a lot of fun. Haven't ajak you guys for my church activities for awhile already. Yeah... you reminded me ;) Make sure you make it when I ajak the next time okayyyyy.... muahahahahahaha!
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