It’s time for missions again *smiles*. The building of the community hall for Ongkil is progressing well. It looks like it would be ready anytime now. Pretty soon, we will have a place to worship for about 30 to 40 people. We can have the space to minister to the adults separate from the children *grin*.

It was pretty amazing when we get to see children praying with all their might. Blew me away when I saw it the first time. Am still in awe. Children of faith reminds me how I should be; have child-like faith that everything is possible through Him *Amen*.

Our first communion together. Twas interesting to be with a roomful of people who had their first communion. I guess after being a Christian for so long, I kind of forgot how the first time felt…heheh.

We had a short discussion about their spiritual growth after accepting Christ over the past 2 years. Although they still lacked much understanding about the Word of God cause they were illiterate, it was wonderful hearing the Orang Asli’s testimonies about their dreams and visitations from the Lord. Look… look… that’s me posing with some of the children during their makan session.

Thought we were done for the day and headed back towards the van when we saw the children playing with their own make-shift ‘slides’ *giggle*. With just some basic card board-like wooden boards, they were sliding up and down so very happily. Ahhh… the simple pleasures of life!

One last pose with the infamous ‘slide’ before we left ….hahahahahahahah. Later, they were just running round and round the boards as Benjy and Darren held them up. Sigh… I wish I could show the impromptu video I shot. They were so so so cute just circling the two-grown men.

Hey, remember the time when we were kids and we could just create games out of everyday items and still have loads and loads of fun? Do you remember playing with:
Getah – A two-team game. String together rubber bands made into a rope with two people holding the ends up whilst the others try to jump over them. Apart from trying to jump over different heights, we had the ropes move in horizontal, vertical and circling motion. What fun! Was playing with them throughout my primary school days :)
Ice cream sticks – A two-person game with each person trying to get their stick to fall right on top of the other so that the other stick can be ‘won’.
Coloured Sticks – Made out of lidi, the thin sticks are painted to different colors for different marks. After the sticks are released, we’d try to retrieve as many sticks as possible one at a time without causing another to move. The competitor with the most marks will win. I think red colour sticks are worth 20 points whilst yellow ones are worth only 1 point; amidst other colours ;)
Five-stones – Uncooked rice stuffed and sewn into little packets of five. Can have as many players as possible with a series of stuff to be done. Start by throwing a single stone up and picking another up whilst it’s still in the air, so on, so forth.
Catching – Who could ever forget this simple yet fun game? Hahahhahahah… Basically, to just run wild whilst trying to get away from the ‘catcher’.
Sigh… think I’ll stop with 5… can probably come up with more than another 10 off the top of my head. Trip down memory lane whilst being a kid sure is fun.
I wish I were a kid again…
So carefree…
So easily fulfilled…
At December 07, 2005 12:49 PM,
Juan J. Noyles said…
Amazing that we played the same games by different names. We called Catch Jailbreak. One person was the Catcher, and if a free kid touched the jail everybody got to go free!
At December 08, 2005 10:01 AM,
Juan said…
David - I think I need FIND a cmpany of adults who's willing to make a fool of themselves for this....hehheheh.
Juan J - OOoo... kiddie games recycled irregardless of whatever part of the world we are at? ;)
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