Happy Deepa Raya!
Last week, work was crazy. A certain factory decided to pay their staff earlier because of the Deepavali come Hari Raya holidays and hit some payroll problems. Apparently, their Unionized staff were given a pay-rise in April based on their work performances. The new Contractual Agreement (CA) was signed in September resulting in an adjusted-pay backdated to April for all affected employees. Normally if the staff is underpaid, the CA would take effect cause the main purpose of a CA is to actually protect the benefits of a so-called ‘under-privileged’ worker. So, I’m really dumb-founded as to why there were people who received a pay-cut because their performance-based increment were MORE than the minimal CA amount. This is soooo NOT right *shakes head... but what can I do?*.
Somehow, the system’s Overtime calculation was not configured to cater for back-payment resulting the payroll calculations to be totally off. Some of the employees were actually getting negative overtime *gasp!* causing major cuts to their pay *sigh!*. It was a tough week with just minimal hours of sleep daily, to adjust the figures to how it should be. Thanks for the prayers to those who were praying *hugz*. The thing bugging my mind throughout the entire time wasn’t about covering my own butt, but about those workers not getting their pay for the festivals. I cannot imagine how their holidays would be if they couldn’t get their money on-time, especially for those who already hardly have enough with their couple of hundreds of ringgits.
Luckily we managed to come up with a temporary solution that would buy us some time till the next payroll run to really fix everything up properly. Was supposed to go to Cameron Highlands with my ex-LF from Saturday till Monday but cancelled that just in case my payroll thingy was going to spill-over to the weekends. However, my week-long holiday did gun-off to a pretty good start *grin*.
On Saturday, went to this tattooing parlor at Desa Sri Hartamas. A gym buddy was gonna add another tattoo to his ‘already-filled-with tattoo’ arm *giggle*. Here’s a snapshot of the pin-up of the address just in case you’d want to get one as well *wink*.
Somehow, the system’s Overtime calculation was not configured to cater for back-payment resulting the payroll calculations to be totally off. Some of the employees were actually getting negative overtime *gasp!* causing major cuts to their pay *sigh!*. It was a tough week with just minimal hours of sleep daily, to adjust the figures to how it should be. Thanks for the prayers to those who were praying *hugz*. The thing bugging my mind throughout the entire time wasn’t about covering my own butt, but about those workers not getting their pay for the festivals. I cannot imagine how their holidays would be if they couldn’t get their money on-time, especially for those who already hardly have enough with their couple of hundreds of ringgits.
Luckily we managed to come up with a temporary solution that would buy us some time till the next payroll run to really fix everything up properly. Was supposed to go to Cameron Highlands with my ex-LF from Saturday till Monday but cancelled that just in case my payroll thingy was going to spill-over to the weekends. However, my week-long holiday did gun-off to a pretty good start *grin*.
On Saturday, went to this tattooing parlor at Desa Sri Hartamas. A gym buddy was gonna add another tattoo to his ‘already-filled-with tattoo’ arm *giggle*. Here’s a snapshot of the pin-up of the address just in case you’d want to get one as well *wink*.
There’s Eddie doing his thing. Fui-yoh… his handi-work was really steady. Warren got the designs off the Net; it was some tribal designs that looked really cool. He passed the designs to Eddie, and the result of the re-designing was completely different; just kind of maintained the basic shape and size of the original design. ‘Tis an artiste’s responsibility that no TWO designs of tattoos can be similar. Anyway, I guess tattoos are very personal, and somehow the design Warren chose suited his personality :) Eddie’s a real pro, I saw some snap-shots of him doing tattoos for the band BLUE.
Here’s a close-up picture of the tattooing done. The design was drawn onto a sheet and printed onto the arm before the outline was done. I could see the liquid bubbling out from where the ink was injected and thought it was the ink, but it was BLOOD!!! *shiver…brrrr*
The parlor does body piercing as well. Warren kept coaxing me to get some tattoo done, “Go get youself a sexy butterfly… or would you like to pierce ahem… wherever also can la”. Or like what another friend suggested, “You should get some Naruto design…” RIGHT. Very funny. I’m supposed to get a tattoo so that one-day when I’m 70 and wrinkled, my Naruto will look like a pack of sand? :P
Thanks for the suggestions… but no thanks *LOL*.
Thanks for the suggestions… but no thanks *LOL*.
At November 08, 2005 11:08 PM,
Pink Lady said…
Hahahah ... I like the last statement of this post ... when you are 70 years old ;) I am socurious now whether anyone knok some 70 years old with tattoo *LOL*
At November 09, 2005 9:03 AM,
Juan said…
I don't personnaly know anyone who's 70 with tattoos... but I've seen them before. Trust me, it ain't a pretty sight at all.... brrrr....
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