Fact is not Truth
Fact – Knowledge or information based on real occurrences.
Truth – Supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.
As I pondered upon these words, the confusion began to unravel and I began to see its underlying meaning. Allow me to explain a real-life scenario that brought light to this contradicting phrase.
Person A had taken off due to a certain circumstance. Person B feels the betrayal and loss of Person A. While coping with the loss, Person B had taken the initiative to contact and care, however there was no response. The nagging question was, “Why isn’t there a slight bit of response to my efforts to reconciliation?”
Fact for Person B:
- Person A was first in the wrong for taking off.
- Had taken the initiative for reconciliation (being the party that was in hurt).
- There was no response from Person A.
Fast-forward a couple of weeks at a local supermarket; the two sighted each other from a distance. Person A felt anger and hurt as Person B decided to steer off to a different direction to avoid direct contact. The nagging question was, “The incident happened so long ago. Is it so difficult just to come on over and greet me like a decent human being?”
Fact for Person A:
- Person B is unforgiving and immature by steering off.
- Taking off was just as difficult for both parties. Why be regarded as a lesser being for deciding what was thought best?
Truth, (perhaps?):
- Though armed with good intentions for reconciliation, whenever in contact with Person A, Person B was very condescending. Feeling the rebuke instead of support, Person A responded negatively when contacted.
- Person B did not want Person A to feel awkward with a direct confrontation, remembering the previous negative responses. However, this action had caused feelings of continued rejection.
Viewing the situation based on facts would bring about feelings of hurt and anger. The truth; however might not be what the facts had presented. Reacting to facts births forth self-righteousness and a judgmental spirit because one is unable to see the full picture.
Let us treat others with the same amount of grace Christ has given us. May the truth set us free…
At August 31, 2005 9:21 PM,
jm said…
Great true.
We all look the life with our own view. It's very difficult see the life with the view of the rest of the people.
Maybe facts doesn't exist, just our personal view of the things.
ps: what a curious thing! You an I are very differents (different culture, country, sex..) but, have we got the same name? Juan
At September 01, 2005 9:00 AM,
Juan said…
David - That was what I was trying to point out. Most of the time, we live our lives taking our own assumptions as 'facts'. Hrm, unless you term facts as something 'scientifically proven' *ponder ponder* But all that is scientifically proven may also lead to further discovery in future, right?
Estupendoman - Hi Juan *grin*. My name 'Juan' written in Chinese means 'diamond'. Welcome to my blog :D
At September 02, 2005 3:14 PM,
Juan said…
david, wharrr... very deep. But I get what you mean. Mmmmhhhh... so much to ponder about :P Since we're in the topic of screwing relationships but at the same time not able to stop ourselves from making assumptions... any wise ideas on making the best of the situation?
At September 12, 2005 10:04 AM,
Juan said…
ooo... ooo... I get it... I get it... lemme try, k?
Positive assumption, huh? k, k....
No contact from a friend, huh? Arr... maybe he's busy? Yea yea, busy with work is a plausible cause, right? Or...
Maybe he was going to get fired unless he accepted a transfer to South Africa; and when he got there he was mauled (NO! SHREDDED TO PIECES) by a a South African tiger! gahahahahaa.... grrrr...
*insert gory visuals*
Err... maybe I need a little bit of work on forgiveness, and not positive assumptions :P
Thanks, really. I was just pulling your leg :)
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