Juan's World

An inside look into the world of an average girl who lives a not-so-average life after having met face-to face with the great "I am". Living a life of purpose. Leaving a mark. Balancing her life with the things He has called her to do with the responsibilities in life. With just one wish in her heart. That one day, when she meets face to face with her Maker. To have Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have ran the race well!"

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Happy Merdeka Day everyone!
Yay! That would also mean Happy Merdeka to me too!
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
My fast is OVER!!!! Wheeeeee!!!

Ahhh… so, yesterday was a public holiday for us Malaysians celebrating our Day of Independence. I wanted to blog about how much and why I love my country but after my previous extremely long post, I decided to make this one short and sweet ;)

Fast’s over and so, what did I do yesterday? *giggle* Woke up, went to gym, off to brunch. And then *ta-daa!!!* I watched anime the whole afternoon till it was time for dinner *smirk!*

I finally sunk my teeth into HAI BANE REN MEI; a 13 episode anime about Haibare, angelic-like beings. Summary from box - "Rakka becomes the newest Haibare, after she awakens from a strange dream and finds herself hatching from a massive cocoon. With no memories from her previous life, Rakka struggles to adjust to her new surroundings, however burning questions remain in the back of her mind. What is Hibare and what is their purpose? What lies beyond that huge, forbidden town walls? Thus, Rakka begins her wistful journey of self-discovery and wonderment."

At night, I turned on the TV and *gasp!* watched an hour of Love Story in Harvard, Korean serial drama. *LOL!* Ehh… I thought fasting supposed to help kick the addiction? :P Arr… I’ll worry about that later, after I finish watching Naruto’s latest episodes given by Victor. *nyek nyek!* >:-)

Aiya, give me a break, k? 40 days liao without my much-needed entertainment-wor… Oh yeah, what’re the updates on Malaysian Idol 2?? Tell… Tell…



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