God wants spiritual fruits and not religious nuts
Neighbor: Hop on and I’ll bring you to higher ground.
Man: No worries. God will save me.
Neighbor: ?!?!?
Water continues to rise. A policeman in small motorboat nears the rooftop.
Policeman: Hop on and I’ll bring you to safety.
Man: That’s alright. God will save me.
Policeman: ?!?!?
The water has risen to a critical level. A fireman in a large motorboat nears the man.
Fireman: Get on. The water level is dangerously high.
Man: I do not fear. God will save me.
Fireman: ?!?!?
Final Scene: Man meets with God.
Man: God! Why didn’t you save me?
The above is a really just an old joke; it was 5 years ago that I’ve first came across it. Firstly, I’d like to clear the air that in NO WAY I’m saying that signs, miracles and wonders have ceased to exist. Actually, I have faith that given the situation above, God is perfectly more-than-capable to (1) stop the storm; (2) zap the man to another location like some Star Trek transporter; or even (3) part the waters while the man walks to safer grounds.
In our lives, we will go through trying and difficult times where we will seek for answers. The point that I’d like to bring out is, ‘Not every answer which SOUNDS religious is from Him’. I believe that we need some sort of balance - Yes, to believe that all things are possible through Him, but on the other hand to also know that He is practical in many ways.
Such extremisms should not be taken lightly, as many have twisted the essence of the Word of God. For example, there is this cult that does not believe in taking medication or going for blood transfusion because they believe that God’s hand is upon everything, God has allowed the sickness to happen. And if the sickness is to be healed, the healing will come through Him and Him alone *shakes head*.
The example above is quite extreme in nature. But before you say “But that’s not me” … has this ever happened?
- Have you spoken to someone when they are ill and they ONLY want to rely on faith healing? You just immediately clam up about recommending a doctor because you did not want to talk against the ‘faith’ that the person has.
- Have you spoken to someone who wants to join ‘full-time ministry’ just because they are dissatisfied with their job? You then choose not to comment that the situation just calls for a change in environment for fear of it not sounding religious.
- Have you spoken to someone who has been out of a job for many months and believes they are ‘trials and tribulations from God’? You then choose not to point out that their expected salary does not tally with their resume of experience and that’s probably the reason why they’re not getting any response from employers.
Yes, I believe in faith healings, calling to full-time ministries, trials and tribulations from Him. But in a situation uniquely for you, is it really what God wants and is it really from Him? Does solving a situation through practical methods make us less a Christian and prove that we have less faith?
God wants spiritual fruits and not religious nuts.
At July 11, 2005 10:09 PM,
Pink Lady said…
It is when we start to formulate how God works that we are in danger to be religious
At July 13, 2005 10:02 AM,
Juan said…
Yeah... spot on! :D
At July 20, 2005 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a standard response to the God-Brigade.
The sceneario begins like this:
Person: ah, but you know God wants us to blah, blah, blah.
Me: Really, you spoke to God this morning did you, was it telephone, fax, email, or does God have a blog now?
Usually stops the preaching in its tracks.
Forgive my irreverence, but when are such people going to understand the concept of Projection.... Let them read Freud.
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