What is it about birthdays that make it so special?
Yet, having obtained the joy of giving… this was the first year that I experienced the joy of receiving. Since I’ve never put much weight on birthdays, I don’t expect much when my day arrives. A small, quiet dinner with family members would be sufficient. A SMS or two from close friends would be nice. Then *BOOM*… I received an overwhelming amount of love this year *hugz self*.
The exact birth date is on 11th of December 1979 (Sunday).
Thu night This year, the celebration started with a surprise sprung by my cell group members on Thursday night. Imagine that... It started on THURSDAY night *faints*. It was pretty special cause I celebrated with Jessica (birthday also on the 11th) and Christine (birthday on the 12th). Aih… I wish my digital camera was around and we could have taken some photos :( But then… if I knew, then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore …ekkekekeke.
Fri afternoon An old secondary school friend picked me up from work. He was supposed to be on leave, so when he picked me up in working attire I was like, “Huh?” And he went, “Err… I knew you were going to be in work clothes… so, I decided to dress up a little too” *LOL*. Feeling extremely full and bloated from a three-course menu, we had a birthday cake when he suddenly started to fiddle around his pocket. I’m like, “What are you doing?” Imagine my embarrassment when he whipped out a home-brought candle and lighter…. Ahahhahaha. Come to think of it, my beetroot face wasn’t too far off from the colour of HIS embarrassed face either. Yeah, my friend is sweet ;)
Fri night Mummy and brother going away to Parit Bunta to meet up with my sister-in-law’s family on Saturday. I sulked BIG-TIME when I found out initially… “What do you mean you all not going to be around for my birthday?!?!?” *sulk* But dinner more or less made up for everything. Had great food at Pizzeria with mum, dad, Daniel and Shireen. *kick self for forgetting digicam again….grrr*
Sat Was supposed to watch Chronicles of Narnia last night. But after we lost the bookings cause we were late, we decided to watch Perhaps Love instead. Wow… I had exactly no idea Perhaps Love was a musical. I NEVER watch Hong Kong-made love stories. Sooooo boring. So, I was really pleasantly surprised. Too bad it was a midnight show and I didn’t manage to appreciate it much. Hrm… maybe I should go watch it again. *ponder ponder* Oooo… btw, Narnia was GREAT!
Sun morning *yawn* Early morning was picked up by Yoke Keng to go Cheng’s house in Valencia for a picnic. THE DAY to spend with my beloved secondary school friends!!! Wharrrr…. Beautiful scenery, wonderful company, good food (Peng’s banana crumble was AMAZING!) and great *ahem* gifts. What more can a girl ask for?
Tue night One of the ‘most-prized’ get-together this birthday was with Su Lin. She’s a good friend from primary school, but had lost contact since. After a chance-encounter at Ikano, we had sworn that this time, we’ll keep in touch. Love ya lots… *hugz* Too bad Eugene, my kindergarten-come-primary school friend, couldn’t make it that night cause he had to meet his wedding planner. Twas a great get-together, nevertheless.
This year, somehow I managed to spend some quality time with all the gems I picked up throughout my short 26 years in life – from primary school, secondary school, old cell group, new cell group, Damansara Perdana neighbors, nanny and her kids, plus my very own family.
Wow, what a long post… and with so many pictures too. Had a great celebration this year, even though my family was not around on the very day. Sorry if I sound like I’m bragging… but it sure feels great to be loved, especially during this occasion. I take back all stupid notions I had previously about birthdays not being special ;)